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【地】空間的一角~在很多地點,我們介入別人的故事;更多的時刻,我們看見自己的過去。 【Places】By listening to the stories of others, our own place in life becomes clearer.

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【Time】Time is the carving artist who shapes the greatest art work on every face.

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【Events】Everything that happens in life is destined to happen. Some things prove enlightening. Some are tests of personal strength.

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Of all the photos in this book, this one is the only one to have gone through an image synthesis process in the darkroom. I call it “concept photography.”

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【People】Unable to see himself as an observer would, Man can never avoid the cycle of blind self-searching; the constant gazing at his own reflection in a mirror of water.

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【Just Before the Curtain Rises】The dancers project their focused minds onto the curtain before it rises. (National Institute of the Arts)

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