【Time】Time is the carving artist who shapes the greatest art work on every face.






【Still Life】A rusty, decaying fishing boat was stranded by the coast in a place called Gold Mine. Silently and coldly, it watched the happy couples and sweet families, laughing, dancing, and playing. Days go by and children get old. Once upon a time, it was a beautiful and fresh new boat.





【Those Shining Days】The 1990s were already yesterday. I can still remember those conflicting days, when all the policemen stood in a row, holding shields against the crowds fighting for their beliefs. Policemen, through the lens of my camera, became a code name for confrontation. Days passed, then through my viewfinder, I saw a policeman again. This time, with his back towards me, in a street on National Day, he stood for tranquility. With the shiny pieces of confetti floating around, I recall one of Luo, Da-you's old songs, Those Shining Days.



像我這樣一個六○年代在台北出生的孩子,對 國際學舍 多少有些情感,它有些像現在的世貿,舉凡圖書、商品、禮品……各種展覽,都會在 國際學舍 舉辦。加上許多來台唸書的外國學生住在其中,因此關於它的繪聲繪影傳聞也不少,光是外籍學生在此殉情的故事,我最少就聽過兩個以上的版本,還有不少人指稱歷歷的說,每夜在學舍的樹下,都會見到殉情學生的鬼魂在那裡約會……




【Final Salute】In Ta-an Forest Park once stood International House, a building which was familiar to those born in the 1960s, as I was. It was where all kinds of exhibitions were held, where foreign students lived, and where chilling rumors of hauntings began. The night before International House was to be torn down, I paid last visit, hoping to give it a final salute. After its last light went off, I turned and left. The next morning, I came back again, only to find dust and debris. Today, when I go to Ta-an Forest Park and see families having good times, I know it is the fate of the land to bring people happiness, whether as yesterday's International House or as today's Forest Park.




有一陣子,我迷上了夜間攝影,喜歡在黑夜中,拿著相機和腳架,拍下都市中的五光十色。一天,我在忠孝東路上大陸大樓前架好了相機,準備大顯身手時,突然遠方出現兩個摩門教徒迎面走來,看著他們慢慢走近,我正打算按下快門之際,他們突然大聲脫口而出:"Hello, how are you?" 沒有預期他們會對著我大喊,在一陣驚慌中,我誤按了快門。


【Blurry Mormons】Forrest Gump is right. You never know what flavor you'll get from a chocolate box. Just like night photography. You never know what image you'll get when you take pictures in the dark. Here is my story. Two Mormons walked towards me. Being shocked by their unexpected loud "HELLO", I pressed the shutter instinctively. In their blurry shapes, I seemed to grab the flow of time clearly and completely.






【One Unforgetable Fist】

It was fifteen years ago. Stopping by an elementary school in Jiu-fen, I felt something was about to happen. Sure enough, a kid waved his fist and hit right on another kid's nose. Only lasting for one second in reality, it lives on in my shot. I never stop wondering where those kids were going, and what they have become.




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