




【Belly Flop】Innocent, pure, simple, gentle and honest, he was once a nature-loving kid, just like hundreds of kids in the mountains. Then, he and the others grew up, entered school, made friends, learned to be mature. And then, some, overwhelmed by the temptation of the outside world, drowned themselves in crime. Years later, I finally realized how easily he could get hurt as he belly flopped into the water. He was too naive to see it, though, and so was I.






【Red Sea and Evening Haze】Chao-yin is a place in Northern Taiwan, meaning "Sound of the Tide." Fascinated by the romantic name on the map, I headed out to see it for myself. Several hours later, I found myself standing in front of a widespread red sea. Wind blew through my ears, sand lay under my shoes, only children's naive laughter echoed in the air. Years later, when I learned that the red sea was, in fact, the waste water emitted from the nearby factories, I suddenly recalled the children's innocent faces that afternoon.





【The Dice of Fate】

Through the smoke curling upwards from the sausage-roasting stand, I saw his face. Head lowered, lips tightened, expression solemn and respectful, he threw the dice into a bowl. Clink clunk. Rolling the dice for a sausage, and for his fate as well.






【Smoke Never Lasts For Long】

As a kid, I could sit still for hours, gazing at the smoke emitted from the chimney, waiting for it to disappear in the sky, and wondering where it went. Smoke seems to me a mystery; it exists, but dies away in seconds just in front of my eyes.

The doorkeeper, seen here, must feel that I'm too sentimental. He sits there guarding the sugar refinery. As the cargo train transports countless sugar canes into the factory for the production of sugar, the smoke--with its natural scent of sweetness--from the factory never stops. The old man sits there day after day, indifferently smoking one cigarette after another.

Looking at the smoke from the chimney behind him floating around and fading away day and night, I was astonished to find that his life was also fading away bit by bit, just like the smoke from the factory, just like the smoke from the cigarette in his hand.







【The Missing Eight Seconds】One minute before the year 2000, with a Rollei and tripod on my shoulder, I stopped high on a hill, trying to free myself from a chaotic life. Three seconds to count down, I pressed the shutter, only to find myself in complete darkness. The viewfinder, covered by the reflector, kept me apart from the world until five seconds after the year 2000. The missing eight seconds was preserved in the photo, as well as in my later feeling of rebirth.




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